La dosis diaria - VitaliNatura Essentials' Blog

Menopause in Different Cultures
30 de August, 2023
Menopause, a universal experience, diverges across cultures. From Asia to the Americas, each culture infuses unique beliefs and practices. Herbal remedies like ginseng in Chinese tradition and black cohosh in Native American culture offer natural relief. Rituals honor menopause—Indigenous Australians hold Menarche Ceremonies, celebrating wisdom. Perspectives vary, with some cultures esteeming menopause's wisdom while others stigmatize aging. Family and community support shape this phase, especially in societies with multi-generational households. Modernization brings change. Global influences shift cultural views. Digital connectivity empowers women through shared experiences. Menopause—connecting cultures, embracing diversity.
Menopause vs. Perimenopause
28 de August, 2023
Discover the contrasts between menopause & perimenopause, from hormonal shifts to symptom management. Learn about natural approaches for well-being during these phases.
Woman reading vitamin label
24 de August, 2023
A medida que envejecemos, nuestros cuerpos requieren diferentes tipos y cantidades de nutrientes para mantener una salud y un bienestar óptimos. Para las mujeres mayores de 50 años, en particular, existen varios nutrientes clave que son esenciales para mantener la salud ósea, apoyar la función cognitiva y prevenir enfermedades crónicas. En esta publicación de blog, exploraremos cinco nutrientes esenciales que las mujeres mayores de 50 años deben buscar en su multivitamínico.
The Vital Role of Vitamin B12 for Women aged 45 and Older
14 de August, 2023
Vitamin B12, often overlooked but vital for well-being, takes center stage in the lives of women aged 45 and older. This essential nutrient fuels energy, safeguards cognitive health, and supports heart function. As the body's ability to absorb B12 diminishes with age, supplementation becomes a cornerstone of maintaining vitality.
Image of Turmeric
09 de August, 2023
Turmeric or Curcumin, hailed for its vibrant color and myriad health benefits, has a rich history that traces back to the sun-soaked lands of Southeast Asia. This golden spice, known for its active compound curcumin, has captivated both culinary enthusiasts and health aficionados for centuries. But did you know that the secret to unlocking turmeric's full potential lies in a humble companion? Black pepper, with its key compound piperine, forms a synergistic partnership that propels turmeric's therapeutic prowess to new heights.
Plant of Ashwagandha Herb
07 de August, 2023
As women traverse the intricate path of midlife, Ashwagandha emerges as a potential ally, drawing from its centuries-old legacy and modern scientific intrigue. From alleviating the tumultuous waves of menopausal symptoms to fostering post-menopausal vitality, this adaptogenic herb offers a natural avenue for women to reclaim control over their well-being.