The Daily Dose

Middle Age Woman
Sep 22, 2023
As women age, our nutritional needs can change, and it's important to ensure that we...
VitaliNatura Vitamin C, B12 and Magnesium
Sep 19, 2023
As a society, we've become increasingly health-conscious over the years, with many people turning to...
Menopause in Different Cultures
Aug 30, 2023
Menopause, a universal experience, diverges across cultures. From Asia to the Americas, each culture infuses unique beliefs and practices. Herbal remedies like ginseng in Chinese tradition and black cohosh in Native American culture offer natural relief. Rituals honor menopause—Indigenous Australians hold Menarche Ceremonies, celebrating wisdom. Perspectives vary, with some cultures esteeming menopause's wisdom while others stigmatize aging. Family and community support shape this phase, especially in societies with multi-generational households. Modernization brings change. Global influences shift cultural views. Digital connectivity empowers women through shared experiences. Menopause—connecting cultures, embracing diversity.
Woman reading vitamin label
Aug 24, 2023
As we age, our bodies require different types and amounts of nutrients to support optimal health and wellbeing. For women over 50, in particular, there are several key nutrients that are essential for maintaining bone health, supporting cognitive function, and preventing chronic diseases. In this blog post, we'll explore five essential nutrients that women over 50 should look for in their multivitamin.
Holly Basil:The Power of Adaptogens Natural Allies for Stress and Wellness
Aug 15, 2023
In the modern chaos of our lives, adaptogens stand as nature's calm amidst the storm. These remarkable botanicals, hailing from ancient healing traditions, offer us a bridge between serenity and the demands of the modern world. As scientific research continues to unveil their intricate mechanisms, we find ourselves embracing the soothing embrace of adaptogens to navigate the ever-evolving dance of stress and vitality.
The Vital Role of Vitamin B12 for Women aged 45 and Older
Aug 14, 2023
Vitamin B12, often overlooked but vital for well-being, takes center stage in the lives of women aged 45 and older. This essential nutrient fuels energy, safeguards cognitive health, and supports heart function. As the body's ability to absorb B12 diminishes with age, supplementation becomes a cornerstone of maintaining vitality.