La dosis diaria - VitaliNatura Essentials' Blog

Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Menopause
21 de November, 2023
Discover how an Anti-Inflammatory Diet can ease menopause symptoms. This article offers insights, meal plans, and recipes for managing hot flashes, mood swings, and weight. Embrace a healthier menopausal journey with nutritious, anti-inflammatory foods.
Enhancing Menopausal Well-Being with Omega-3 Rich Fish
24 de October, 2023
In the whirlwind of menopause, women often navigate a sea of changes in their bodies and emotions. This article explores how omega-3 rich fish like salmon and sardines can significantly enhance heart health and mood stability during menopause.
Nutrition Tips for Fall: Supporting Women's Health
06 de September, 2023
As the seasons shift and the temperature drops, it's essential to adjust your diet to match the rhythm of autumn. For women, this adaptation is especially crucial, as the fall season brings unique challenges and opportunities for maintaining health and well-being. In this article, we'll dive into a comprehensive guide on nutrition tips for fall, focusing on the best foods and supplements that can support women's health during this season of change.  
Bowl of fruits, avocado and whole wheat toast
25 de May, 2023
La menopausia aumenta el riesgo de enfermedades del corazón, pero una nutrición adecuada puede ayudar a mitigar este riesgo. Explore alimentos saludables para el corazón ricos en ácidos grasos omega-3, fibra y consejos para reducir el sodio
Smoothie ingredients in a blender and a multi-vitamin bottle
11 de May, 2023
A medida que las mujeres envejecen, sus cuerpos pasan por cambios que pueden afectar sus necesidades nutricionales. Si bien una dieta saludable es la base de una buena salud, los suplementos pueden ayudar a llenar los vacíos y respaldar el bienestar general. En esta publicación de blog, exploraremos cinco suplementos esenciales que las mujeres mayores de 45 años deberían considerar agregar a su rutina diaria.