The Daily Dose

Menopause Myth Busters
Aug 29, 2023
Don't fall for the myths surrounding menopause. Discover evidence-backed facts that empower you to navigate this life phase with clarity and confidence.
Woman reading vitamin label
Aug 24, 2023
As we age, our bodies require different types and amounts of nutrients to support optimal health and wellbeing. For women over 50, in particular, there are several key nutrients that are essential for maintaining bone health, supporting cognitive function, and preventing chronic diseases. In this blog post, we'll explore five essential nutrients that women over 50 should look for in their multivitamin.
5 Essential vitamins for women after 45
Jul 27, 2023
As we women age, maintaining optimal health becomes increasingly important. While most of us are familiar with the usual vitamins, such as C, D, and B12, there are lesser-known gems that are equally crucial for your well-being. Let's explore five lesser-known vitamins that play a vital role in supporting our health as we age, along with the best food sources to incorporate into our diet.
Photo of someone handling a Soursop
Jul 26, 2023
Unveiling the Marvels of Soursop: Learn about the delightful tropical fruit, guanábana, and explore its potential health benefits, backed by research and traditional wisdom.
Reinventing your Wardrobe AFter 45
Jul 25, 2023
As women age, embracing style changes becomes vital for boosting confidence. Discover valuable fashion tips to navigate body shape changes after 45. Prioritize comfort and flattering silhouettes to celebrate your unique beauty at every stage of life.
MIddle Age Women in exercise Gear
Jul 24, 2023
As we enter middle age, we experience various changes in our bodies and minds. Menopause is a natural term in a woman's life that signals the end of her reproductive years. While it may bring about certain physical and emotional challenges, it is essential to understand that menopause doesn't signify the end of a fulfilling life. In fact, with the right approach and a focus on self-care, we can embrace life after 50 and continue to lead healthy and mentally fulfilling lives. In this article, we will explore the changes that occur during menopause, provide practical tips on how to stay healthy and happy during this transformative phase, delve into treatment options, the importance of staying physically active, adopting a healthy lifestyle, and prioritizing mental health. Join us on this journey of navigating menopause with grace and embracing the new chapter that awaits!