Natural Remedies for Menopause: Image of herbs like Panax Ginseng, etc

Natural Relief: Herbs from Around the World

Aug 23, 2023Editorial Team

Herbs for Menopause Relief: A Global Perspective


If you're around 45 or older, you've likely dealt with things like hot flashes, mood swings, and trouble sleeping. While mainstream medicine has ways to help with menopause relief, many of us like to try out more natural solutions, like herbs, to ease the discomfort of menopause. Black Cohosh and Red Clover are two herbs that catch attention, because they seem to have some pretty cool advantages*. So, let's dive into these herbs and check out a couple more from different parts of the world that are known for calming down those menopause hassles.

  1. Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa)

Originating from North America, Black Cohosh has been used by Native American tribes for centuries to address women's health concerns, including menopause symptoms. Studies suggest that its compounds may have estrogen-like effects, helping to alleviate hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings. It's available in various forms, including capsules and tinctures.


  1. Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)

Hailing from Europe and Asia, Red Clover contains isoflavones, which are plant compounds that mimic estrogen in the body. This can contribute to reduced hot flashes and improved bone health. Incorporating Red Clover into your diet through teas or supplements may provide gentle relief from menopause discomfort. If you've got any condition that could get worse because of estrogen, it's best to steer clear of red clover.


  1. Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis)

A staple in traditional Chinese medicine, Dong Quai is believed to promote hormonal balance and circulation. It's often recommended for alleviating hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and mood swings. This herb can be consumed as a tea, capsule, or tincture.  Dong Quai has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over a thousand years.  Because researchers are unsure whether Dong Quai acts as estrogen in the body,  if you are at risk of hormone-related cancers, you probably should avoid this herb.

  1. Sage (Salvia officinalis)

With its origins in the Mediterranean region, Sage has been used for generations to manage various health issues, including menopause symptoms. Its compounds are thought to regulate sweating, reducing the frequency and intensity of hot flashes. Incorporating sage into your cooking or enjoying it as tea can provide a comforting effect.  According to, preliminary studies suggests Sage may help alleviate menopausal symptoms.


  1. Soy (Glycine max)

In Asian cultures, soy-based foods like tofu and tempeh are dietary staples that contribute to lower rates of menopausal discomfort. Soy contains isoflavones, which have estrogen-like effects. Adding soy to your diet may offer relief from hot flashes and support overall well-being.


  1. Evening Primrose Oil (Oenothera biennis)

Native to  America and derived from the evening primrose plant, this oil is rich in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an essential fatty acid. Some studies suggest that GLA may help with atopic dermatitis,  alleviate menopausal symptoms such as breast pain and tenderness. Some research suggests that GLA might have a positive impact on menopausal symptoms like breast pain and tenderness. However, current evidence indicates that taking oral evening primrose oil might not result in significant improvements for individuals with premenstrual syndrome. 

  1. Chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus)

Hailing from the Mediterranean region, chasteberry has been used for centuries to regulate hormonal imbalances. It may help reduce hot flashes, mood swings, and irritability. Chasteberry is commonly consumed as a supplement or tincture. 

In Turkish medicine,it is used as a digestive, antifungal, and anti-anxiety medication, according to Pubmed.


  1. Ginseng (Panax ginseng)

Used extensively in traditional Asian medicine, ginseng is known for its adaptogenic properties, which help the body cope with stress. Some studies suggest that ginseng may improve mood, hot flashes and reduce fatigue associated with menopause. It can be consumed as a supplement or brewed into tea.


As we seek relief from the challenges of menopause, the world of herbal remedies offers a diverse array of options. From Black Cohosh and Red Clover, with their established benefits, to herbs like Dong Quai, Sage, and more from various cultures, these natural allies can provide comfort and support during this transformative phase. While herbs can offer relief, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating them into your routine, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications. With the power of nature and science combined, navigating the menopausal journey becomes a more manageable and empowering experience.

Note: Please consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new dietary supplement or making changes to your existing routine, especially if you have specific medical conditions or concerns.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent a disease.

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