La dosis diaria - VitaliNatura Essentials' Blog

Root Vegetables: A Nutritional Powerhouse for Menopausal Women
19 de December, 2023
Introduction to Root Vegetables Root vegetables, a vital part of the food group, have been...
Coping with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
18 de December, 2023
During menopause, the combination of hormonal shifts and shorter, darker winter days can significantly affect mental health, making awareness and management of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) essential.
Navigating Holiday Stress for Menopausal Women
11 de December, 2023
As the holiday season approaches, it's essential to address the unique challenges faced by menopausal women. Amidst the festive cheer, balancing family time, and holiday planning can amplify stress levels. This article offers practical tips for managing holiday stress, ensuring that women going through menopause can enjoy a more relaxed and joyful season. From planning ahead to practicing mindfulness and maintaining a healthy diet, we explore strategies to navigate this festive period with ease and grace.
Top Fruits for Menopause
04 de December, 2023
As you navigate the post-menopausal chapter of your life, understanding the continued importance of diet...
The Power of Adrenal Support: Vital Nutrients for Optimal Health
29 de November, 2023
Discover the key to maintaining adrenal health with vital nutrients. This comprehensive guide delves into the importance of diet and lifestyle in supporting adrenal function, especially during menopause. Learn about the essential vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements that can help manage stress and enhance overall well-being.
Nurturing your Liver: Liver Health
28 de November, 2023
Maintaining a healthy liver is crucial for overall well-being. Discover key nutrients like milk thistle and omega-3s, alongside lifestyle choices such as a balanced diet and regular exercise, to support your liver's health and functionality.