La dosis diaria - VitaliNatura Essentials' Blog

31 de March, 2024
Collagen, the superhero of our skin and body, plays a vital role in our well-being. As we age, collagen production naturally declines, leading to visible signs of aging like sagging skin and achy joints. But fear not! We can give our collagen a boost through various means, including collagen supplements. These supplements contain amino acids that support collagen production and offer fantastic benefits for our skin, joint health, and overall vitality. Studies have shown that collagen supplementation improves skin elasticity and moisture, reducing visible signs of aging. Additionally, collagen peptides have been found to support joint health and reduce exercise-induced joint pain. With the right choices, we can keep our collagen game strong and stay vibrant as we age!
Winter Skincare for Menopausal Women: A Comprehensive Guide
12 de December, 2023
In our comprehensive guide to winter skincare for menopausal women, discover essential tips and product recommendations. Learn how to adapt your skincare routine with hydrating products, nourishing supplements, and a skin-friendly diet to combat the unique challenges of menopause and cold weather. Embrace these expert strategies for maintaining radiant, healthy skin all winter long.
09 de October, 2023
Fall skincare for menopause is a game-changer. Discover essential tips to keep your skin radiant and hydrated throughout the season.
Older lady getting a skin treatment
22 de June, 2023
Cuando me embarqué en el increíble viaje de la menopausia, me encontré frente a una miríada de cambios, tanto físicos como emocionales. Uno de los aspectos que me tomó por sorpresa fue la transformación en mi piel. Sentí como si hubiera comenzado un capítulo completamente nuevo, y era hora de comprender, aceptar y adaptarme a los cambios que estaban ocurriendo dentro de mí.