La dosis diaria - VitaliNatura Essentials' Blog

Avocados: Nature's Butter
07 de December, 2023
 Avocados: A Nutritional Powerhouse Avocados have gained immense popularity as a superfood, and rightly so....
Low Glycemic Index Food
26 de October, 2023
Incorporating low-GI foods into your diet during menopause offers numerous advantages, including better weight management and improved blood sugar control. By understanding the principles of the Glycemic Index and making thoughtful food choices, you can navigate the challenges of menopause more effectively.
Enhancing Menopausal Well-Being with Omega-3 Rich Fish
24 de October, 2023
In the whirlwind of menopause, women often navigate a sea of changes in their bodies and emotions. This article explores how omega-3 rich fish like salmon and sardines can significantly enhance heart health and mood stability during menopause.
Different Types of Beans
06 de October, 2023
Agregar estos frijoles a su dieta tiene numerosos beneficios. En primer lugar, son una gran fuente de proteínas de origen vegetal, lo que las convierte en una excelente alternativa a la carne. En segundo lugar, tienen un alto contenido de fibra, lo que puede ayudar a regular los niveles de azúcar en la sangre, mejorar la digestión y mantener la sensación de saciedad durante períodos más prolongados. Por último, están repletos de vitaminas y minerales esenciales, lo que los convierte en una opción de comida saludable en todos los sentidos.
VitaliNatura Vitamin C, B12 and Magnesium
19 de September, 2023
Como sociedad, nos hemos vuelto cada vez más conscientes de la salud a lo largo...
5 Essential vitamins for women after 45
27 de July, 2023
As we women age, maintaining optimal health becomes increasingly important. While most of us are familiar with the usual vitamins, such as C, D, and B12, there are lesser-known gems that are equally crucial for your well-being. Let's explore five lesser-known vitamins that play a vital role in supporting our health as we age, along with the best food sources to incorporate into our diet.