La dosis diaria - VitaliNatura Essentials' Blog

Exploring the Therapeutic Benefits of CBD
02 de February, 2024
This article explores the potential of CBD in alleviating menopausal symptoms. It discusses CBD's non-psychoactive properties and its growing popularity in the wellness community. The piece covers research highlighting CBD's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, which could benefit conditions linked to oxidative stress and inflammation. It emphasizes CBD's interaction with the endocannabinoid system and the potential of both natural and synthetic CBD forms. The article also touches on how CBD could help manage hot flashes, mood swings, sleep issues, and joint discomfort, offering a natural alternative to traditional medicine.
Menopause vs. Perimenopause
28 de August, 2023
Discover the contrasts between menopause & perimenopause, from hormonal shifts to symptom management. Learn about natural approaches for well-being during these phases.
Natural Remedies for Menopause: Image of herbs like Panax Ginseng, etc
23 de August, 2023
Amid the transitional phase of menopause, finding comfort through natural remedies has gained popularity. Among the myriad of options, certain herbs have emerged as key players in addressing the symptoms associated with this life stage. Black Cohosh and Red Clover, both renowned for their potential to ease menopausal discomforts, have captured the spotlight. Additionally, cultures across the globe have long turned to various herbal allies to navigate this transformative time. Let's delve into a list of herbs celebrated for their role in mitigating menopause symptoms and explore how they offer relief.
Hot Flash Alert
16 de June, 2023
Los sofocos durante la menopausia pueden aumentar la temperatura en el día de cualquier mujer. ¡Pero no temas! Tenemos algunas soluciones chisporroteantes para ayudarte a combatir el calor y mantenerte fresco. Desde técnicas de cuerpo y mente hasta remedios a base de hierbas, descubre 7 trucos naturales que te harán decir adiós a los sofocos y darle la bienvenida a una brisa refrescante.