The Daily Dose

Photo of someone handling a Soursop
Jul 26, 2023
Unveiling the Marvels of Soursop: Learn about the delightful tropical fruit, guanábana, and explore its potential health benefits, backed by research and traditional wisdom.
MIddle Age Women Looking at Vitamin Bottle
Jul 18, 2023
In this blog post I delve into the significanc of vitamins in women's health, the vital nutrients, like Vitamin C and pantothenic acid, that support our overall well-being. Together, we'll learn about dietary sources and supplements to ensure optimal nutrition during this transformative phase of life.
Vegetables and Fruits
Jun 01, 2023
As we enter the age of 50 and beyond, maintaining an active lifestyle becomes even more important for overall health and well-being. Alongside regular exercise and a balanced diet, ensuring an adequate intake of essential vitamins is crucial for supporting energy levels, bone health, immune function, and other vital physiological processes. In this  blog post, we will explore the key vitamins that are particularly important for active women over 50.