The Daily Dose

Oct 09, 2023
Fall skincare for menopause is a game-changer. Discover essential tips to keep your skin radiant and hydrated throughout the season.
The Vital Role of Vitamin B12 for Women aged 45 and Older
Aug 14, 2023
Vitamin B12, often overlooked but vital for well-being, takes center stage in the lives of women aged 45 and older. This essential nutrient fuels energy, safeguards cognitive health, and supports heart function. As the body's ability to absorb B12 diminishes with age, supplementation becomes a cornerstone of maintaining vitality.
Older lady getting a skin treatment
Jun 22, 2023
As I embarked on the incredible journey of menopause, I found myself confronted with a myriad of changes—both physical and emotional. One of the aspects that caught me by surprise was the transformation in my skin. It felt as though a whole new chapter had begun, and it was time to understand, accept, and adapt to the changes that were occurring within me.